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Amplivox 170 Screening Audiometer with Audiocups
The Amplivox 170 is a cost effective screening audiometer with both manual and automatic test functions. For efficient data management and evaluation, results can be transferred to a variety of PC applications (e.g. ampliSuite and Audibase). The results can also be printed via the thermal printer.
This model comes complete with Audiocups
Effective screening
The 170 audiometer is the perfect, compact, standalone audiometer. With the automatic test function, Tests are even easier to perform than on the 116 audiometer.
Future proof for tomorrow
The 170 can store and print results. In addition, the device links to a variety of Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMR) which allow for fast and efficient results processing.
Use the included ampliSuite or connect to Amplivox Audibase or 3rd party supported EMR systems such as Noah, Cority (Medgate), OPAS, E-OPAS and Cohort to name a few.
- Frequency range: 125 - 8000Hz
- Attenuation range: -10 - 100dBHL
- Pure tone audiometry
- Manual pulse tone option
- Portable and lightweight design
- Integrated talk forward function
- Threshold retention function (during test)
- Internal memory, connection to thermal printer and/or PC
- Connectivity to many electronic medical record (EMR) systems